Plan and plans!

1. Write down the problems that you want to solve.

2. Use brainstorming techniques to write down everything — everything — about your problem.

3. Determine what’s different about your current situation from where you want to be.

4. Write down your goals for each part of the task.

5. Put the goals you need to do into groups or ‘chunks’, and put those in the proper order.

6. Set a time limit for your plan by choosing a realistic date for when you want to achieve a given goal. Make sure to think about how ‘big’ your goal is, and the amount of change that will have to happen.

7. Write your plan on one sheet of paper, or print it out that way. Include a time scale on the paper to show when each chunk of work should happen, and when you want to check progress you’ve made.

8. Print or write smaller parts of a larger plan.


  • Congratulate yourself on your plans and be excited about your goals. Visualize how your life will be different once you have accomplished these goals.
  • Science has proven that more specific goals are easier met.
  • When adding to the detail of your plan, try to guess out what could go wrong and develop contingency plans.
  • Set aside time to do it. Forget your usual activities including Internet, television, eating and conversation for a while and take time out to solve your problem.
  • Think about your plan at a different time over a period of three days. If it seems stupid at any point during those three days, then change it.
  • There’s a weird sort of magic that happens when you write up your plan on the computer or on paper. It may feel silly or unnecessary, but try it. For more complicated plans it’s pretty much the only way to go unless you enjoy making lots of adjustments as you go.
  • For organizing your thoughts, try the freeware program Freemind. Known as a ‘mind-map’ program, it is flexible, easy to use, and most importantly, useful. A link to the main website (true to it’s GNU, free-use roots, the main website is a wiki) is included below.
  • As you complete a goal, check it off your plan so you can see your progress.
  • Remember that planning is just the work that turns chaos into error- don’t expect that just because you created a plan that it’s going to work perfectly without further effort. The plan is just the starting point.

Manage Your Time Like a Budget


Manage Your Time Like a Budget

We all have a limited amount of time to work with, just like our money is finite. If you think in terms of a “time budget,” you may be able to use your time better and enjoy your life more.

Dave Lavinsky gives an excellent example on the Growthink blog: You’re at the grocery, it’s the last week of the month, and the food in your cart will bring you right up to your $400 a month budget. But then you see something on the way to the checkout that you might want, that might taste good or be on sale. Should you go for it? No! Stay within your budget or trade something in your cart for the other item. Lavinsky says:

Your time budget is the same way. When it’s 4:55 and you’ve committed to stop working and go home at 5:00 but there’s some nagging task you really want to knock out but would take 30 minutes — DON’T BUY IT. Don’t do it today. Do it tomorrow or some other day.

Go home and enjoy your life. Do something fun or relaxing and stay within your time budget. It can probably wait until later, just like that last-minute item at the store.

Similarly, the next time something’s calling out to distract you or waste your time, just remember that you’re on a budget.

How to Manage Time Like You’d Manage a Budget | Growthink

10 lessons for the day!


1. Follow Your Curiosity
“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

2. Perseverance is Priceless
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

3. Focus on the Present
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

4. The Imagination is Powerful
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

5. Make Mistakes
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

6. Live in the Moment
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”

7. Create Value
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

8. Don’t be repetitive
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

9. Knowledge Comes From Experience
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

Study Notes review

New words:

1. Keep your finger on the pulse

e.g. Things change very fast, you`ve got to keep your finger on the pulse.


2. elicit

e.g. Have you manage to elicit a response from them yet?

The questionnaire was intended to elicit information on eating habits.


3. readily

e.g. He readily agreed to help me.


4. erroneous

e.g. He always has a erroneous impression about people in general.


5. robust

e.g. He looks robust and healthy enough.

a robust pair of walking boots

a robust  economy


昨天做了这周的工作计划,非常开心,下班回到家吃饭休息了一下,打扫好桌面开始大概了解雅思考试。做了一个阅读的测试。3个部分一共40个题。错了10个! 气死我了,回头看看答案,其实有3到4个不该错。不过看在是第一次又很久没有做题的份上,我还是比较满意自己的。。。






What testimonials do for our business? 推荐信,成功案例能为我们做什么?

* Build bonds of trust 建立信任关系

* Improve credibility 巩固可信度

* Demonstrate success 成功证实

1. 第一次将潜在用户转化为付费用户的有效方法之一是什么?


2. 如何收集用户推荐,成功故事?

a. comment cards 意见卡

b. warranty cards 保障卡

c. post-purchase surveys or phone calls 售后调查和电话 EQ可以用的)

d. website comment sections 网站反馈平台(EQ可以用的)

e. 教员Survey call (EQ可以用的)

3. 好的用户推荐中应该说什么?


4. 好的用户推荐四要素

a. A person attached to it 有人名


b. Brevity 简介 短小


c. An emotion 情感,激情




推荐二: 我的会计难题得到了很快的解答。

d. A definable benefit 明显的受益,更有影响力




5. 成功案例应该由你来写?还是用户?

答案首先是用户,然后是你来写,因为如果你留给用户有时候,很有可能被搁置。你应该写一个推荐两个不同的版本(或者两个不同的推荐),然后让用户来选择他们想用哪一个。同时,留出一个空白的部分:“我可以写的更好” 让用户有选择可以写自己的推荐。


l 我喜欢这个:




l 我可以写得更好:




1. 定制时间表,定制计划收集成功案例。

2. 给用户打电话,建议填写问卷调查或成功案例


3. 如果我们写,根据学生情况,写2版成功案例。

4. 发邮件,让学生选择,审批我们使用他的成功案例。

5. 发行并存档

* Testimonials are even stronger when a picture and website is attached to it
* Video and Audio Testimonials are the most sincere, genuine and effective way to convert your prospects into sales!


Testimonial 可以分为用户推荐与成功故事!


some examples:


1. 线上软文,推广等:

2. 线下宣传品

3. EQ英语网站:

4. EQ博客故事

5. EQ 论坛

6. EQ Newsletter

7. 销售故事支持

8. EQ英语雅思书:31种雅思口语高分必背公式

9. Idapted网站。。。